Sunday, March 1, 2009

good luck getting laid in college talking like this, kid.....

13 year-old wonder-boy author Jonathan Krohn spoke at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday and received a standing ovation from the chubby, balding and pale crowd of Republicans. You know your party has it bad when your most eloquent voice hasn't even finished puberty yet! Oh well, at least he can't vote for 5 more years, and by then he may be the only 18-year-old Republican in the country. Enjoy your time out in the wilderness, G.O.P., couldn't happen to a better bunch of bigots!


  1. The poster child for slapping your kid.

  2. This dude reminds me of Kirk Cameron ... not adorable, looking to goof off, and get girls as Mike Seaver Kirk Cameron ... but crazy, demented, preachy, with a burnt out soul, Born-Again Kirk Cameron


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