In the past year or so, Charles Johnson has been focusing on the scourge of creationism and it's rising popularity among the right. Well, the bible is the end-all be-all for many conservatives, who pushed back and were purged in big numbers by the control-freak Johnson. Combine that with the rise of the birthers or "nirthers" and Ron Paulians, and Little Green Footballs was soon battling back against the craziest elements of the right. Well, these folks didn't go quietly, they have been pushing back hard on sites such as Michelle Malkin's Hot Air and Ace of Spades, where you can find attacks on Johnson in almost any thread these days. Well, Johnson is pushing back as well, by attacking these sites and their administrators, his former allies. So chummy under the George W. Bush Administration, these right-wingers have turned their fire on each other.....
Master vs. Apprentice
Oh, and apologies to LGF on behalf of our “wingnut blog”..... when a site that gave up blogging about Iran and the New York City terror plot to focus on the urgent threat from creationism tells you you’re falling down on the job, you listen.
I haven’t said anything about him before and hope not to again. I used to love his blog; it’s what inspired me to start blogging, so I get no joy from squabbling with him. But the sneering about “wingnut blogs” was too much. I eat plenty of crap for being an atheist and taking occasional swipes at creationism myself. I criticize Palin and Glenn Beck when a lot of other conservative bloggers don’t. Who is he to accuse me of being some talking-point machine?
Allahpundit on October 13, 2009 at 6:55 PM
so said Hot Air's resident blogger Allahpundit this week, firing back at Charles Johnson, who had the nerve to expose Hot Air's racist wingnut commenters in an ongoing series called "Hot Air Comments of the Day". An LGF reader alerted Johnson to the many racist comments directed at First Lady Michelle Obama as a "wookie" (amongst other names) last month, leading to Hot Air enacting a new comment policy which pissed the racists off even more because they lost an outlet to spread their hate. Well the attacks on Johnson continued at Hot Air and spilled over to Ace of Spades as well, so much so that those sites have devoted entire threads to letting people just bitch about and attack Johnson!
Grab the popcorn
I could go on and on deconstructing the tit-for-tat that has broken out between these sites, but I'm sure you get the gist by now. Will the GOP be the party of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck or will it return to it's more centrist days as the party of George H.W. Bush and Colin Powell? The right-wing blogs are the front-lines of this battle, so sit back, watch them scorch the earth and let's see who survives.....
nice way to talk about a guy doing good for our side now, jerk
ReplyDeletehe's hardly on our side, but yes good for him for standing up to the more hateful elements of the right