and hello 2010! Happy New Years to you all, I'll likely be back in March. Take it away, Babs!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
my Top 10 Sports achievements of the Decade

2) Lance Armstrong wins the Tour de France 7 straight times
3) Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals at the 2008 Olympics
4) The New York Giants stop the New Englands Patriots' perfect season in Super Bowl XLII
5) The Texas Longhorns led by Vince Young beat behemoth USC in the 2006 Rose Bowl, the greatest college bowl game ever played.
6) Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O' Neal lead the L.A. Lakers to 3 straight NBA titles (one of which stolen from the Sacramento Kings by shady refs but whatevs)
7) S.F. Giants star Barry Bonds passes Hank Aaron's all-time Home Run record (also shady but hey I witnessed plenty of those dingers!)
8) Tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams dominate the decade in Grand Slam singles and doubles wins
9) George Mason University makes the 2006 NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four as a #11 seed
10) The Fresno State Bulldogs Baseball team wins the 2008 College World Series in a historic underdog victory (the photo below is mine from the victory rally)

Best of the 00's,
Michael Phelps,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
my Top 10 Entertainers of the Decade

2) Meryl Streep
3) Judd Apatow
4) Peter Jackson
5) David Chase
6) Tina Fey
7) Jon Stewart
8) Quentin Tarantino
9) J.J. Abrams
10) Johnny Depp

Best of the 00's,
Monday, December 28, 2009
My Top 10 Musicians of the Decade (and don't hate!)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
and now my Top 10 in film....

2) Brokeback Mountain
3) Gladiator
4) The Dark Knight
5) Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for make benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
6) Dreamgirls
7) The 40 Year-Old Virgin
8) Moulin Rouge!
9) Lost in Translation
10) Kill Bill Vol. I

Best of the 00's,
funny shit,
gay gay gay,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
continuing the Top 10 theme..... are my Top 10 TV comedies of the decade:
1) Sex and the City, HBO
2) The Daily Show, Comedy Central
3) The Office, NBC
4) Arrested Development, FOX
5) Will & Grace, NBC
6) Weeds, Showtime
7) Freaks and Geeks, NBC
8) Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO
9) Malcolm in the Middle, FOX
10) South Park, Comedy Central

2) The Daily Show, Comedy Central
3) The Office, NBC
4) Arrested Development, FOX
5) Will & Grace, NBC
6) Weeds, Showtime
7) Freaks and Geeks, NBC
8) Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO
9) Malcolm in the Middle, FOX
10) South Park, Comedy Central

Best of the 00's,
funny shit,
South Park,
Friday, December 25, 2009
since Top 10 lists are all the rage nowadays.....'s my Top 10 TV dramas of the decade:
1) The Sopranos, HBO
3) Mad Men, AMC
4) Six Feet Under, HBO
5) Battlestar Galactica, SyFy
6) The Shield, F/X
7) 24, FOX
8) Rome, HBO
9) Big Love, HBO
10) Dexter, Showtime

3) Mad Men, AMC
4) Six Feet Under, HBO
5) Battlestar Galactica, SyFy
6) The Shield, F/X
7) 24, FOX
8) Rome, HBO
9) Big Love, HBO
10) Dexter, Showtime

Battlestar Galactica,
Best of the 00's,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
>>>>>Merry Christmas!<<<<<
enjoy this xmas favorite!
funny shit,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
>>>>>Toby wuz robbed!<<<<<

new Heisman Award winner RB Mark Ingram of Alabama is the least deserving winner EVER. This vote was east coast bias, plain and simple. Stanford's beastly RB Toby Gerhart should have ran away with the award, but even 3rd place finisher Texas QB Colt McCoy and 4th place finisher Nebraska DT Ndamukong Suh would have been more deserving. and why was 5th place finisher Florida QB Tim Tebow even invited? His vote total was closer to 6th place than Suh’s 4th place! This whole Heisman campaign was just a disgusting SEC lovefest all-around this year.
The Pac-10 conference bears some responsibility for this travesty as well. why didn’t they campaign independently for Gerhart? The lack of a championship game doesn’t help either ok Stanford may not have been in it this year but why don’t they just add BYU and Utah and go Pac-12 already? That would strengthen the western voting bloc in Utah and also Nevada, where many fans of those schools live, not to mention what it would do to help the Pac-10 in the BCS.
Mark Ingram was on national TV the week before the SEC title game, that’s the only reason he pulled it out, even if he did pull a 30 yd. stinker against Alabama’s greatest rival, Auburn, the week before. The lazy-ass east coast voters didn’t happen to catch Toby’s 165 yd, 4 TD performance against Cal, Stanford’s biggest rival, I suppose.

Oh well, at least the Doak Walker Award went to the right guy this year......
Monday, December 14, 2009
'Jersey Shore' has changed my life!

In 2010 I pledge to be like Mike "The Situation" and strive for unbelievable mass appeal- I want everybody to love me: babies, dogs, hot girls, and cougars!
reality tv,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Happy Hanukkah!
in honor of the holiday and the hotness of Ryan Gosling awww hell all the hot Jewish guys (what can i say i love em curly-haired and circumcised) I present LaCoacha's "I Will Always Love Jew"!:
funny shit,
latino life,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
ok, 2012 may really be the year of the Apocalypse.....
2012 Presidential Race Poll:
Barack Obama 46%
Sarah Palin 43%
NOTE: Margin of Error, +/- 3.5 percent

Barack Obama 46%
Sarah Palin 43%
NOTE: Margin of Error, +/- 3.5 percent
President Obama,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tim Tebow pulls a Glenn Beck!

or maybe he's crying because he bruised his vadge?
funny shit,
Glenn Beck,
Tim Tebow,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Welcome to Vaticanistan......

....where simply being a pot-smoking, sexually active American can get you 26 years in prison.
Nice fucking justice system you got there, Italy! You take a blind eye to the cover-ups orchestrated by former Hitler Youth Pope Rat-zinger, leader of the pedophile-factory called the Catholic Church, but young American college student Amanda Knox is vilified by the media and convicted, let's face it, for her "heathen" lifestyle and the fact that she "exhibited odd behavior" after her roommate was brutally murdered... hello?!? It's called being in SHOCK! Typical fucking judgmental Catholic thinking! She partakes in sinful acts like pre-marital sex and drug use and doesn't immediately mourn in a good Catholic manner, so she MUST be capable of murder, right?!?
No DNA? No physical evidence? No witnesses? No plausible motive? No history of violence? NO PROBLEM! Italy's got your conviction right here, bada-bing bada-boom!
Well fuck that and fuck you, Italy!
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
Friday, December 4, 2009
ABC can suck a nut!

gay gay gay,
reality tv,
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
there's no winning in Afghanistan
Well, 8 years after Al-Qaeda attacked us and Osama Bin Laden escaped Tora Bora, President Obama has decided to pull a "W" and go for a surge in Afghanistan. First of all, there is no "winning" a war in a country that isn't really a country. Afghanistan is simply a collection of Islamic tribes with no functional central government, it's never had one and never will. Secondly, the founding fathers made the Commander-in-Chief a civilian for a reason, so military men can't bleed us dry in unwinnable wars with limitless amounts of troops. So why is Obama doing the same as Dubya and just giving the Generals whatever they want? This country is BROKE! We are $12 TRILLION in the hole and growing! We cannot afford to rebuild THREE countries! Bring our troops home NOW and work on rebuilding America!
Armed Forces,
George W. Bush,
President Obama,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Animal is still the shit
and after all these years that Miss Piggy is still one fierce bitch! damn girl you be looking fine, who's your surgeon haha!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
the original, and still the best. I'll be back in December w/ new posts, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Yankees in 7!
and no, not just because I went to the brand-spanking new Yankee Stadium when I was visiting NYC this summer, although I must admit the Yankee Mystique got to me, the aura there is simply amazing! Some photos are posted below:
the view of the batter's box from my seat- Texiera at the plate and A-Rod on deck. can you say yum!?
the view of the outfield/scoreboard from my seat (field level section 112, row 21, seat 2, $100)....
.... oh and did I mention the lovely view of Mark Texiera?! I got to stare at that perfect pinstriped ass all afternoon! hot damn i love baseball!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
what kind of silly queen gets misty hearing a Paul Anka song?
oh, this kind....
funny shit,
Glenn Beck,
mental illness,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Blog Wars erupt on the right
I check out quite a few blogs during the day, left and right wing-oriented, and I must say I am fascinated by what is happening with the right these days. Little Green Footballs, transformed by fledgling musician/cyclist Charles Johnson after 9/11 as a mostly anti-Islam blog, has taken a far more sensible path since Barack Obama was inaugurated, which of course doesn't sit well with the knuckle-dragging, bible-thumping, dead-enders that make up what's left of the Republican Party. I am by no means championing Johnson or his site here, I mean, let's face it, the man is batshit crazy, a Howard Hughes-save and drink his own urine-type if you will, but follow me after the jump to see the all-too-fun civil war he has sparked among the right-wing blogs......
In the past year or so, Charles Johnson has been focusing on the scourge of creationism and it's rising popularity among the right. Well, the bible is the end-all be-all for many conservatives, who pushed back and were purged in big numbers by the control-freak Johnson. Combine that with the rise of the birthers or "nirthers" and Ron Paulians, and Little Green Footballs was soon battling back against the craziest elements of the right. Well, these folks didn't go quietly, they have been pushing back hard on sites such as Michelle Malkin's Hot Air and Ace of Spades, where you can find attacks on Johnson in almost any thread these days. Well, Johnson is pushing back as well, by attacking these sites and their administrators, his former allies. So chummy under the George W. Bush Administration, these right-wingers have turned their fire on each other.....
Master vs. Apprentice
so said Hot Air's resident blogger Allahpundit this week, firing back at Charles Johnson, who had the nerve to expose Hot Air's racist wingnut commenters in an ongoing series called "Hot Air Comments of the Day". An LGF reader alerted Johnson to the many racist comments directed at First Lady Michelle Obama as a "wookie" (amongst other names) last month, leading to Hot Air enacting a new comment policy which pissed the racists off even more because they lost an outlet to spread their hate. Well the attacks on Johnson continued at Hot Air and spilled over to Ace of Spades as well, so much so that those sites have devoted entire threads to letting people just bitch about and attack Johnson!
Grab the popcorn
I could go on and on deconstructing the tit-for-tat that has broken out between these sites, but I'm sure you get the gist by now. Will the GOP be the party of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck or will it return to it's more centrist days as the party of George H.W. Bush and Colin Powell? The right-wing blogs are the front-lines of this battle, so sit back, watch them scorch the earth and let's see who survives.....
In the past year or so, Charles Johnson has been focusing on the scourge of creationism and it's rising popularity among the right. Well, the bible is the end-all be-all for many conservatives, who pushed back and were purged in big numbers by the control-freak Johnson. Combine that with the rise of the birthers or "nirthers" and Ron Paulians, and Little Green Footballs was soon battling back against the craziest elements of the right. Well, these folks didn't go quietly, they have been pushing back hard on sites such as Michelle Malkin's Hot Air and Ace of Spades, where you can find attacks on Johnson in almost any thread these days. Well, Johnson is pushing back as well, by attacking these sites and their administrators, his former allies. So chummy under the George W. Bush Administration, these right-wingers have turned their fire on each other.....
Master vs. Apprentice
Oh, and apologies to LGF on behalf of our “wingnut blog”..... when a site that gave up blogging about Iran and the New York City terror plot to focus on the urgent threat from creationism tells you you’re falling down on the job, you listen.
I haven’t said anything about him before and hope not to again. I used to love his blog; it’s what inspired me to start blogging, so I get no joy from squabbling with him. But the sneering about “wingnut blogs” was too much. I eat plenty of crap for being an atheist and taking occasional swipes at creationism myself. I criticize Palin and Glenn Beck when a lot of other conservative bloggers don’t. Who is he to accuse me of being some talking-point machine?
Allahpundit on October 13, 2009 at 6:55 PM
so said Hot Air's resident blogger Allahpundit this week, firing back at Charles Johnson, who had the nerve to expose Hot Air's racist wingnut commenters in an ongoing series called "Hot Air Comments of the Day". An LGF reader alerted Johnson to the many racist comments directed at First Lady Michelle Obama as a "wookie" (amongst other names) last month, leading to Hot Air enacting a new comment policy which pissed the racists off even more because they lost an outlet to spread their hate. Well the attacks on Johnson continued at Hot Air and spilled over to Ace of Spades as well, so much so that those sites have devoted entire threads to letting people just bitch about and attack Johnson!
Grab the popcorn
I could go on and on deconstructing the tit-for-tat that has broken out between these sites, but I'm sure you get the gist by now. Will the GOP be the party of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck or will it return to it's more centrist days as the party of George H.W. Bush and Colin Powell? The right-wing blogs are the front-lines of this battle, so sit back, watch them scorch the earth and let's see who survives.....
George W. Bush,
Glenn Beck,
Michelle Malkin,
President Obama,
Sarah Palin
Thursday, October 15, 2009
'Modern Family' just kills me!
just try getting this awesomely hilarious but oddly-still-sexy song out of your head! man, there's some real quality television Wednesdays at 9PM.....
Monday, October 12, 2009
how goddamned great is 'Glee'?!
funny shit,
gay gay gay,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Just words.......

President Barack Obama is speaking at the Human Rights Campaign's 13th annual national dinner tonight, sucking up to all the rich homos who are all too glad to empty their wallets just to stand in the presence of our "fierce advocate" in the White House. Only problem is, Obama hasn't done jack shit for our community. Oh sure, a smattering of benefits here, a nice speech and photo op there, but hey, enough with the scraps already! We want action, Mr. President! You can keep your word and get the ball rolling on ending discrimination against us by issuing a stop-loss order to suspend the discharges of gays and lesbians from the military at ANY MOMENT! But no, you choose to just kick that can down the road some more. So give your speech, Mr. President, mesmerize the audience of those house faggots with that magically eloquent teleprompter of yours, but until you actually do something substantive about DADT, Mr. Prez, then YES, you are just words- and your words don't matter, because so far, your word is shit!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
sign already motherfucker!

The San Francisco 49ers are 3-1 and #10 draft pick WR Michael Crapgreed is in town, finally, and I hate to say it but the 49ers really need him. Why? Because our offense is terrible and he would be a HUGE weapon on the field, defenses will be distracted by him and our blossoming TE Vernon Davis will get free more often. So sign already, you greedy motherfucker! Think of the year's salary you are losing by re-entering the draft! Sign and show us what you got, and GO NINERS!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
fat ass Bennett: Chicago too fat

Degenerate gambler/"Book of Virtues" author Bill Bennett rooted against Chicago (America hater!) getting the 2016 Olympics. He stated his reason why on CNN:
"I'm actually for Rio. In Rio, it's beautiful women at the beach, and in Chicago, it's fat people eating."
Now before I start ranting lemme say I got nothing against fat people. I mean I ain't exactly a 28 waist myself, but where the fuck does this fat fucking pig get off knocking Chicago cuz it's a great place to eat?!?! You know I saw him at the Las Vegas airport a few years ago (I actually thought he was Rush Limbaugh at first), where this authority on "virtue" was stuffing his fat face at the airport Burger King, after no doubt dropping tens of thousands of dollars on the craps tables, proof that you see fat slobs stuffing their faces EVERYWHERE, not just Chicago. Video below:
Rush Limbaugh,
Friday, July 31, 2009
>>>>>Beers and Bullshit<<<<<

Yesterday was all kumbaya blah blah bullshit between Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge Police Sergeant James Crowley at the White House with President Obama over beers (hey, isn't it nice not to have a dry-drunk prez like that asshole Bush?), but excuse me, why the fuck hasn't Crowley been fired? This douchebag arrested a man on the front porch of the house he owns and pays taxes on, all because he didn't like what he was saying! It's outrageous!
Even more outrageous: the so-called conservatives on the right-wing blogs defending Crowley's actions. These "get the government out of our lives!" folks really have no problem with the government (Crowley) throwing a citizen in jail for expressing his right to free speech (Gates)? What is this, motherfucking China? North Korea? This is not a police state! This is the United States of America! If you wanna tell a cop in your house to go fuck his mama you have every right to do so without being hauled off in handcuffs!
But I shouldn't be surprised the faux-conservatives in the G.O.P. are siding against Gates, because all black men are criminals in their minds.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hey everyone! Let's have an old-fashioned "Dumb Bitch-Off"! Here goes!:
The winner: The people of Alaska! Do I even have to say why?
funny shit,
Sarah Palin,
Sunday, July 19, 2009
right-wingers pay their respects to Walter Cronkite
courtesy of Michelle Malkin's Hot Air site:
just imagine how low our public discourse would sink if we didn't have such good, jesus-loving folks like these to chime in?!?!?!
Personally, I hope his extended family all die of excrutiating cancers. Karma, you know?
I’ll shed no tears over the death of a Lefty turd like Cronkite. As a matter of fact, if I could piss on his grave, I would.
I am sick of kissing the ass of people who screwed not only their country and their profession, but millions of innocents, because the media tells me I am supposed to.
Go. To. Hell. You. Lying. Bastard.
I got excited whe I saw the fox news alert, saw the grey hair from across the room, and then my weekend was ruined it wasn’t the timely demise of Ted Kennedy. Oh well……patience I guess.
Good bye Walter. May the worms enjoy you more than I did.
May he rot in hell.
Soon Ted will die and Walter, JFK, RFK and Ted can ride around Hell in Teds Olds, pickin’ up women.
Waitress sandwich anyone?
Walter Cronkite actually makes my list of greatest MASS MURDERERS in History! So, yup, he can burn in hell!!
Twist in Hell, Cronkite. I hope the only relief you find in the Lake of Fire is a million murdered Cambodians spitting on you.
Rich liberal hypocritical fool……see ya! Now we only need Teddy to retire or expire and maybe we’ll see windmills in Natucket sound.
just imagine how low our public discourse would sink if we didn't have such good, jesus-loving folks like these to chime in?!?!?!
Michelle Malkin,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Crazy Bitches Be Busting Loose!
ok so July looks like "Crazy Cunt Month" all of a sudden! Let's survey the recent damage shall we?
Former QB Steve McNair shot in the head as he slept by crazy 20 y.o. Iranian slut!
Boxer Arturo Gatti allegedly strangled by crazy drunk wife with a purse strap!
Sarah Palin resigns as Alaska governor, vows to campaign for... Democrats!?
Ghost of child allegedly whispering to Octo-Mom while she takes a shit!
Gay Penguin couple broken up by conniving female whore penguin!

When will the madness end?!?!?
Former QB Steve McNair shot in the head as he slept by crazy 20 y.o. Iranian slut!
Boxer Arturo Gatti allegedly strangled by crazy drunk wife with a purse strap!
Sarah Palin resigns as Alaska governor, vows to campaign for... Democrats!?
Ghost of child allegedly whispering to Octo-Mom while she takes a shit!
Gay Penguin couple broken up by conniving female whore penguin!

When will the madness end?!?!?
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
mental illness,
Sarah Palin,
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
hate mail!
from, um, one of my best friends:
well, thanks for the hit at least, assface!
OMG LOL that is absolutely the most boring a$$ page ive ever seen, who the F gives an F about the things ur talking about…WTF druggiebear goes to work? Seriously I know you and I could care less about reading that blog, dam all these outspoken anne coulter types have given retards like u reason to think people care about ur opinions, dude please tell me u just made this today and ur “punking” me right it’s a joke, im not quite sure why u saying BSG will be missed or SDSU was robbed makes u interesting, hmmmm maybe im missing a key piece to the ingredient but I don’t see it
well, thanks for the hit at least, assface!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Roger Federer is a Real Fuckwad
real classy there, Rog, busting out and pimping your tacky Nike "15" tracksuit after beating Andy Roddick in a Wimbledon victory he basically handed to you. Gloat like a giant ass when you win and cry like a little bitch when you lose? Great sportsmanship there, guy!
Oh and Roger it’s a good thing you are making the best of Rafa Nadal’s time away due to injury, cuz you are gonna get your ass handed to you when he does! BTW, what other supposed “GOAT” had his ass kicked so thoroughly by their biggest rival? Michael Jordan? Wayne Gretzky? Joe Montana? Tiger Woods? Nope. No one dominated them the way Rafa does you. That’s why they are worthy of the “GOAT” title, and you aren't!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
>>>>>>>R.I.P. Jacko<<<<<<<

For the record, I don't think he was a pedophile. I mean, those people usually have tons of kiddie porn in their house, on their computers, everywhere, but nothing that incriminating was ever found at Neverland. A celebrity like Michael Jackson, constantly around kids, would have had hundreds and hundreds of victims. He had a few accusers with money-grubbing parents, that's it, and was rightfully cleared of all charges in court. He was fucking stupid to keep letting little kids sleep in his bed after the allegations first surfaced in 1993, but I think Michael never matured beyond the age of 10, which is why he loved sleepovers, climbing trees, experimenting with "Jesus Juice", etc. He was abused as a child, then coddled as an adult, then numbed out by powerful drugs towards the end of his life. He never really had anything even close to normalcy, which is very sad.
What he did have, was amazing talent. As a singer, songwriter, dancer, all-around entertainer, I mean, the guy was unparalleled in his time. That is what I will remember the most about Michael, but man he sure gave us a bunch to chew on didn't he? I grew up enjoying his music and videos, then was shocked by the freak show aspect that came with his fame, was horrified by his physical deterioration, and finally, I was riveted by his legal travails. Like I said, he was an all-around entertainer! May he rest in the peace he so richly deserves.

Crimes and Misdemeanors,
greedy bastards,
mental illness,
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Palin not under fire from the feds?

So says the L.A. Times. So WTF? Is she really planning to run for President? On what record?
On 2.5 years of experience as the Governor of a cash-flush state with no real problems?
If the economy is still shitty and unemployment is over 10% when 2012 comes around, there's no doubt Obama will be vulnerable. But no way in hell voters would gamble our future on another charismatic politician w/ a flimsy resume. Mitt "I fix businesses" Romney would be the smart choice to take on Obama if that is the case.
On her Jerry Springer-ish "family values"?
Bill Clinton's seedy personal history had to be in the back of some primary voters minds when choosing between Obama and my candidate of choice, Hillary Clinton. Would voters choose to quadruple down on First Family Drama by housing the freak-show Palin brood at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Fuck no!
On her flimsy education and even flimsier intellect?
Voters are in no mood for another retard republican president so soon after Dumbya.....
On her tits and legs?
They can't stay that nice and firm forever!
So what's left for Sarah? Fox News? A reality show to follow Octo-Mom's? Ooooh how about a politcal edition of "The Surreal Life"?! Sarah, Todd and Bristol Palin thrown in a house with Eliot Spitzer, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Mark Sanford, Barney Frank, John Ensign, Larry Craig, Jim McGreevey, Rod Blagojevich and an assorted mix of prostitutes, interns, Argentinian sluts, gay staffers, Ponzi schemers, bathroom stalls and adult diapers!
Friday, July 3, 2009
see ya, Simple Sarah!

Will we see you and Todd in handcuffs soon over your shady housing deal?! What a shocking turn of events! I mean, you were the biggest star of your dying party, the very epitome of the ignorance and intolerance of the dead-enders who make up what's left of the G.O.P.! You had a great shot at the nomination in 2012, before you get too old to give the erectile dysfunctional-Rush Limbaugh crowd the boners their now-supersized wives can no longer give them! You blew it, girl!
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
Rush Limbaugh,
Sarah Palin,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
March of the Sick Fucks

a sick scene took place in Oakland, CA yesterday, as 60 people marched to honor a cop killer and rapist of a 12-year old girl:
"OPD you can't hide - we charge you with genocide," chanted the demonstrators as they marched along MacArthur Boulevard, near the intersection with 74th Avenue where Mixon, 26, a fugitive parolee, gunned down two motorcycle officers who had pulled him over in a traffic stop. He killed two more officers who tried to capture him where he was hiding in his sister's apartment nearby.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? To taunt the police force as they are mourning four of their own is just as bad as the Westboro Baptist Church members protesting the funerals of our brave soldiers because *gasp* America doesn't execute all gays. It's ridiculous, pointless and evil, plain and simple. May these asshole marchers join their hero cop killer/rapist in hell very soon!
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
gay gay gay,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
So long, BSG.....

One of TV's best science-fiction series ever, Battlestar Galactica, signed off last night in an action-packed, emotional and ultimately satisfying series finale. Never has a futuristic show been so timely. The show's creators molded a cheesy 1970's flop network series into a drama-heavy, existential sci-fi masterwork for our grim post-9/11, Bush-presidency era (and helmed by a fellow latino, Edward James Olmos, no less).
If you have never watched the show just take a look at the trailer below, it should do the trick of pulling you in. I highly recommend getting the DVD's on Netflix, starting with the 2003 miniseries and working your way through all 4 seasons, well, you can skip the 3rd, it was moral-relativist in the worst. If you have seen the series, check out my personal grades for each season and my Top 5 episodes below the trailer.
Miniseries: A+
Season 1: B
Season 2: A
Season 3: D
Season 4: B
1) Scar
2) Blood on the Scales
3) Unfinished Business
4) Sometimes a Great Notion
5) Sacrifice
Thank you, BSG. I sure as frak am gonna miss you!
Battlestar Galactica,
George W. Bush,
latino life,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My Final Four picks
Monday, March 16, 2009
Aztecs wuz robbed!

ARRRRGGGGHHHH! I am boycotting the NCAA Men's College Basketball Tournament this year because my beloved alma mater San Diego State Aztecs (23-9) were completely fucked over by the big fat greedy major-conference fetishists on the tournament selection committee:
SDSU's RPI was the highest among those teams omitted from the field. It also finished one game out of first place during the regular season and reached the tournament championship game of a conference ranked No. 7 in the country.
I am so fucking furious! Only 4 out of the 34 at-large bids went to non-major conference schools, and 2 of those went to teams who came under the 20-win threshold! This is an outrage all-around, fuck the NCAA and it's bullshit tourney!
That said, I'll be posting my Final Four picks soon. Oh hell, not even this travesty can advert me from the excitement that is March Madness. But I'll be pissed off and drugged up the whole time.... which is pretty much how every day is for me now that I think about it. So let this posting be my form of protest! There, take that NCAA!
greedy bastards,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
DruggyBear goes to work

Yes, you read that correctly, your humble DruggyBear is starting a new job on Monday, working for the government. How lucky am I to find any job during this horrible recession? However trust me when I say it's a job where I'll need to be as drugged up as possible! So, in addition to being too busy to post most days, I'm gonna have to protect my anonymity more than ever, well, at least till the job is finished in about 3 months, it's seasonal. Consequentially, expect far fewer and more vague posts, and damn if that doesn't fucking suck, I just started this blog last month!
Well, I hope you guys still check my blog regularly, as there is no shortage of drama in my life to report and certainly no shortage of opinions in this thick skull of mine to rant about when I get the time and inspiration. So please stick around and thanks for reading!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Matthews v. Fleisher
Former Bush administration press secretary/pathological liar Ari Fleischer was on MSNBC's 'Hardball' yesterday to defend Bush's legacy, and well, it got pretty ugly with host Chris Matthews. They touched on President Obama's first 50 days in office, the Bush recession and most intriguingly the Bush record on keeping America safe. Fleischer was quick to slobber all over Bush's cock for the lack of a major terrorist attack in this country since the 9/11 attacks, yet was shocked, SHOCKED I SAY, when Matthews dared point out the fact that Bush pretty much blew off the Presidential Daily Briefing titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S." he received 8/6/01, just about a month before Bin Laden did strike the U.S. Well, if Bush's stooges are gonna take credit for the lack of an attack since then aren't they also deserving of the blame FOR that apocalyptic day? I mean, the chatter from overseas had been off the charts that summer and that very PDB detailed such intel as:
FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."
Al Qaeda members -- including some who are U.S. citizens -- have resided in or traveled to the U.S. for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks.
So, it's pretty clear that former NSA Adviser/Sec. of State Condi Rice lied when she testified "I don't remember the al Qaeda cells as being something that we were told we needed to do something about" to the 9/11 commission in 2004. The administration knew full well of the threat and either didn't take it seriously, or worse, just ignored it altogether.
Either way, Ari Fleischer is full of shit. He is the "shameful" one for lying to cover his failed administration's ass over the biggest intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor. Matthews is right, our country is far better off w/o these douchebags in office. At least now we have a far more competent administration to deal with not only the Al Qaeda terror threat but also the economic 9/11 we are now suffering through, also Bush's fault!
George W. Bush,
President Obama,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Why Bernie Madoff, not Rush Limbaugh, should be made the face of the G.O.P.
The simplest breakdown of America's 2 major political parties is this: The Republicans blame the poor for all our problems, while the Democrats blame the rich. When the poor are seen by the public-at-large as the culprits, the Repubs do well, like in 1994 when "welfare queens" got all the blame for our economic ills. Right now the Democrats are coming off of 2 straight electoral ass-whoopings and are enjoying a huge identification advantage over the G.O.P. Why? Well, George W. Bush for one. Also, there are now more poor people than rich people, and that super rich Ponzi-scheming bastard Bernie Madoff is Public Enemy #1.
Look, as long as that fat fuck Limbaugh is still breathing he'll be saying stupid shit, that's not news. So Operation Rushbo may be a success so far for President Obama, but as long as the face of this financial crisis is a super-rich crook like Madoff, the rich will be (rightly) blamed for this recession and the Democrats will be sitting pretty.
Look, as long as that fat fuck Limbaugh is still breathing he'll be saying stupid shit, that's not news. So Operation Rushbo may be a success so far for President Obama, but as long as the face of this financial crisis is a super-rich crook like Madoff, the rich will be (rightly) blamed for this recession and the Democrats will be sitting pretty.
Monday, March 9, 2009
oh thank god! religions losing influence in the U.S.
The mind-fuck that is religion is losing influence in America, so says a nearly year-long study of 55,000 Americans. Some interesting findings:
That is great, but that growth has slowed since that 6 point jump from 1990-2001. Pretty odd, considering that since that time we have had the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal and the 9/11 attacks, and if those haven't made you question the corruption and extremism borne out of religion nothing will. It's a sham, all of it! It also just gives people a handy excuse for their bigotry (hello, Prop. 8!).
no surprise here. us latinos are a stubborn and superstitious bunch.
I had no idea Scientologists were so small a denomination. Are they all in Hollywood?
wtf? the super-violent religion that is Islam grew substantially while the super-peaceful religion that is Buddhism did not? if you need any more evidence we live in a fucked up, upside-down world....
God Bless America!
"Fifteen percent of respondents said they had no religion, an increase from 14.2 percent in 2001 and 8.2 percent in 1990, according to the American Religious Identification Survey."
That is great, but that growth has slowed since that 6 point jump from 1990-2001. Pretty odd, considering that since that time we have had the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal and the 9/11 attacks, and if those haven't made you question the corruption and extremism borne out of religion nothing will. It's a sham, all of it! It also just gives people a handy excuse for their bigotry (hello, Prop. 8!).
"Catholics grew to about one-third of the adult population in California and Texas, and one-quarter of Floridians, largely due to Latino immigration, according to the research."
no surprise here. us latinos are a stubborn and superstitious bunch.
"And, since 1990, a slightly greater share of respondents — 1.2 percent — said they were part of new religious movements, including Scientology, Wicca and Santeria."
I had no idea Scientologists were so small a denomination. Are they all in Hollywood?
"The study found that the percentage of Americans who identified themselves as Muslim grew to 0.6 percent of the population, while growth in Eastern religions such as Buddhism slightly slowed."
wtf? the super-violent religion that is Islam grew substantially while the super-peaceful religion that is Buddhism did not? if you need any more evidence we live in a fucked up, upside-down world....
"the study found that the numbers of Americans with no religion rose in every state."
God Bless America!
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
latino life,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Jon & Kate= Over?
If you've ever seen TLC's "Jon & Kate plus Eight" you've seen poor Jon Gosselin having to deal w/ 8 kids plus his soul-sucking shrew of a wife, Kate. Well now comes word that Jon is stepping out, and all I can say is GO FOR IT JON! Don't let that bitch grind you down anymore than she already has! Cheat! Cheat! Cheat like you've never cheated before! Now I normally don't approve of cheating, seeing how I've been cheated on (long story) though I've also been a cheatee (longer story, err, stories), but that's neither here nor there, just take a look at Kate in action in one of many examples and you'll understand why I'm on Team Jon here (oh and Jon if you are on the d.l., email me!):
Thursday, March 5, 2009
the completely awesome MLB 2K9 Tim Lincecum ad
including a gratuitous shot of my dream man's hot back tatt. damn when is baseball starting already?!?!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Obama Cabinet Least Valuable Player: Tim Geithner

From his tax problems to the disastrous rollout of his "bank plan" to his keeping mum while the markets plummet back to 19fucking97 levels, it's clear that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has lost whatever little confidence the public had in him from the start. Hell, even his predecessor Hank Paulson was a better communicator than this guy! President Obama, can you dump this douche already?
President Obama,
Timothy Geithner
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
"oh please forgive me, Massa Limbaugh!"

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says he has reached out to Rush Limbaugh to tell him he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”
“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”

Isn't this fun? I love seeing the racists, misogynists, homophobes and creationists that make up the base of the G.O.P. purge the party of anyone who isn't a fellow portly, caucasian, heterosexual male who has sex with his wife twice a year (if he's lucky). In other words, the party has no room for anyone other than Rush and his minions, which is great, seeing how Rush's popularity is approaching O.J. levels. The G.O.P. suicide spiral is full speed ahead!
Michael Steele,
Rush Limbaugh
Sunday, March 1, 2009
good luck getting laid in college talking like this, kid.....
13 year-old wonder-boy author Jonathan Krohn spoke at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday and received a standing ovation from the chubby, balding and pale crowd of Republicans. You know your party has it bad when your most eloquent voice hasn't even finished puberty yet! Oh well, at least he can't vote for 5 more years, and by then he may be the only 18-year-old Republican in the country. Enjoy your time out in the wilderness, G.O.P., couldn't happen to a better bunch of bigots!
Friday, February 27, 2009
I got crowned today....
yup, a new porcelain bicuspid for the low low price of $559! imagine the cost if I DIDN'T have dental insurance! anyways, to mark this head-banging (against the wall) occasion I present to you "David After Dentist- the Metal version":
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Blair Douchebag Project
Seems a fringe student group at NYU decided to "occupy" a campus cafeteria in order to combat capitalist tyranny, errr, or something. Watch the final hilarious minutes here as some idiot protester (who doesn't even go to NYU haha) tapes the cops simply walking through the barricades and telling them them to get the fuck out! Way to take a stand against "The Man", fellas. Sit back, take a sip of some "corporate water" and enjoy this priceless comedy gem:
Ha! Tiananman Square it's not!
Ha! Tiananman Square it's not!
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
funny shit,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
mood swing
yes, you may have noticed your humble DruggyBear has been a little steamed lately, partly due to my anger over Mickey Rourke losing the Oscar but mostly due to my Xanax running low. that just means I'll have to substitute it for something else, hmmm, weed or booze, weed or booze? decisions, decisions. well, if my posts are mistake-ridden, that means booze. if they are just stupid, that means weed. so stay tuned!
mental illness,
Mickey Rourke,
The Octo-Freak Show rolls on....
Nadya and her Ma got into it in front of the camera and as you can see from the vid Nadya comes off as a spoiled little beeeyotch, verbally bitch-slapping around the grandma who's gone bankrupt helping her raise her (now) 14 grandchildren:
and btw, if sending Nadya hateful emails is wrong then I sure as fuck don't wanna be right! Here's a copy of the "message of support" I sent to Octo-Mom at her website:
"Sew your vagina shut, bitch!"
Tasteful, no? haha hey if it's any consolation I held back a lil!
and btw, if sending Nadya hateful emails is wrong then I sure as fuck don't wanna be right! Here's a copy of the "message of support" I sent to Octo-Mom at her website:
"Sew your vagina shut, bitch!"
Tasteful, no? haha hey if it's any consolation I held back a lil!
greedy bastards,
reality tv,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Stay classy, G.O.P.

The political party dying a slow death is apologizing for saying Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dying a quick one:
In a written statement today, Kentucky GOP Sen. Jim Bunning apologized for remarks he made about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in which he predicted that she would pass away in nine months.
"I apologize if my comments offended Justice Ginsberg," Bunning said. "That certainly was not my intent. It is great to see her back at the Supreme Court today and I hope she recovers quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family."
What fucking nerve that anyone from the Geriatric Obsolete Pissant Party is questioning the shelf life of anything! As Dick Cheney would say, go fuck yourself, Jim Bunning!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Well, I got 13 of 15 right in my Oscar predictions, but one of my missed ones (alongside Best Foreign Film) was the only race I really gave a shit about, Mickey Rourke for Best Actor in "The Wrestler". Rourke really touched me in that role, in a way no actor has since Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". As a fellow fuck-up who reached a great level of personal success then blew it all away and burned countless bridges in the process, 'Randy the Ram' is a character and Mickey Rourke is an actor that are so very close to my own heart. Right down to the self-destructiveness and loneliness, I can relate so much to Mickey's journey and am so thrilled to see him back on top, cuz winner or loser tonight, Rourke has made the kind of comeback in life I hope to make as well.
R.I.P. Loki, love ya Mick! Cheers to a great year!

Mickey Rourke,
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Oscar Predictions
BEST PICTURE: Slumdog Millionaire
BEST DIRECTOR: Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire
BEST ACTOR: Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
BEST ACTRESS: Kate Winslet, The Reader
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Christina Barcelona
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire
BEST EDITING: Slumdog Millionaire
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
BEST FOREIGN FILM: Waltz with Bashir
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE: Slumdog Millionaire
BEST ORIGINAL SONG: Jai Ho, Slumdog Millionaire
BEST DIRECTOR: Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire
BEST ACTOR: Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
BEST ACTRESS: Kate Winslet, The Reader
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Christina Barcelona
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire
BEST EDITING: Slumdog Millionaire
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
BEST FOREIGN FILM: Waltz with Bashir
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE: Slumdog Millionaire
BEST ORIGINAL SONG: Jai Ho, Slumdog Millionaire
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Now I've heard some batshit 9/11 conspiracy theories......
but the Scientologists top them all, they never disappoint!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Speaking of Mickey Rourke, looks like he got a titty-twister.....
uh, make that this broad with the twisted-up tits:

Let's see, Mickey has a history of depression, drug abuse, carrying firearms, self-destruction and is now dating Courtney Love.....
What could go wrong?

Let's see, Mickey has a history of depression, drug abuse, carrying firearms, self-destruction and is now dating Courtney Love.....
What could go wrong?
Crimes and Misdemeanors,
mental illness,
Mickey Rourke,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
'Randy the Ram' for the win!

Looks like the only real suspense at next Sunday's Oscars is the race for Best Actor, which is neck-and-neck between Sean Penn for his role as gay icon Harvey Milk in "Milk" and Mickey Rourke for his comeback performance in "The Wrestler". I've seen both films and if I had a vote it'd go to Rourke, no question. Penn did a fine job, but any decent actor could have excelled in that fey, showy role. However, NO ONE could do what Mick did as "Randy the Ram", which was expose his personal demons as well as his immense talents and deliver an unforgettable, heartbreaking performance. The Oscars always fuck up though ("Crash" over "Brokeback Mountain", anyone?) so Penn is more likely to pull it out, but I'll be giving Rourke a standing ovation (as would the Kodak Theatre audience I'm sure) if he manages to pull off the win.
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